
noun: the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food.

Home pizza oven dough

A more burn resistant dough than many other recipes call for. This is due to the exclusion of sugars and oils. These can make for an overly charred dough in home pizza ovens, due to their size and position of the flames.



  • 1kg flour (Bread or 00 flour ideally, but any high-protein all-purpose flour is good)
  • 600ml warm water
  • 20g salt
  • 2g dry yeast


  1. Mix flour and yeast.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Add water and mix until just combined.
  4. Rest 20-30 min.
  5. Knead by hand for 10-15 min or until smooth and elastic.
  6. Cover and rest in a warm spot until roughly doubled in size.
  7. Separate into doughballs
  8. Wrap or place in containers and store in the fridge for 24-72 hours before use, or freeze after this time.