
noun: the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food.

Greek Yoghurt

Thick, tangy and unsweetened yoghurt. Makes a great ingredient or base for flavoured yoghurt


  • Full cream milk (1 litre)
  • Greek Yoghurt (65 ml)


  • Heat the milk, gently, to 85 degrees C.
  • Cool to 42 degrees C.
  • Mix some of the milk in with your 'starter' yoghurt to thin it out.
  • Pour the starter into the milk.
  • Cover and leave somewhere warm for 6-8 hours. An oven preheated to 40-45 degrees C, then turned off is perfect. At this point it should be set and you should see some whey separating out.
  • Chill in the fridge.
  • (Optionally) strain with cheesecloth to your desired consistency.


  • You can add more of the 'starter' yoghurt, which may shorten the setting time
  • An ice bath can help cool the milk faster. Some ice and water in the sink is an easy way to do this.